What is on this 'Overcome Chocolate Addiction' recording?

Overcome Chocolate Addiction Track 1

Debbie explains what NLP is  (its like discovering the owners manual for your mind. We have a brain but its not always user friendly) learn how it will be used to stop you eating chocolate. Also she teaches you a simple phrase that you can use to gain control over may urges to overeat.

Overcome Chocolate Addiction Track 2

An exercise that Debbie developed and has used to help hundreds on her weight loss courses along with private clients that will diminish your desire for chocolate very quickly – it is advisable to listen to track 3 first as it will make the impact stronger.

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Overcome Chocolate Addiction Track 3

And in-depth education of what is really in the chocolate, along with some very unsavoury truths that will hit home as even when Debbie is just talking her skill with language means she naturally drops suggestions into your mind to change how you feel about chocolate.

Overcome Chocolate Addiction Track 4 –Hypnosis Trance

Time to relax as thought seedlings of finding healthy alternatives to the pleasure you had from chocolate is planted deeply into your mind the more you listen, the quicker the changes – you may find you start to enjoy eating fruit and wonderful natural water-rich foods which also help with any weight loss goals you might have. Taking time to let go here will also help dissolve stress and guide you to feel more confident.

Paul McKenna Hypnotherapist debbie Williams Birmingham West Midlands Paul McKenna & Debbie Williams Hypnotherapist Birmingham

Debbie helped Hypnotist Paul McKenna on GMTV working with people who had food addictions as well as helping on nearly all of his weight loss courses she also worked with the crisp crunchers in ASDA, Tamworth. Debbie has also helped 100's over come their addiction to chocolate and other foods whether they've seen Debbie personally or been to her weightloss courses or just brought the CD.


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